And then, he stuck a bead in his ear…

This morning was the Lorien spring fair. I had volunteered to help out the playgroup people with the bread baking activity, and Inigo and Mark painted a t-shirt, made a candle, and did some beading.

Then, Inigo stuck a bead in his ear…

And seven hours later, we got home from the hospital, with the sparkly red bead safely in a specimen jar.


He was so super patient and awesome the the doctor at Westmead Children’s Hospital didn’t even need to give him nitrous while poking about in his head, and it was remarked that even much older kids had trouble keeping still. I pointed out to the doctor that he was the world’s most awesome kid, and thank you for noticing.

So instead of having friends over for a mah-jong night and drinking lads of red wine, we spent a million years in the hospital, feeling guilty for taking up time that could have been spent treating sick people.

But I have a lovely souvenir.

And the world’s best kid. Even if he occasionally sticks things in his ears. And it was shiny.

Ravelry Advice?

A long time ago Emily taught me how to find a discontinued yarn on Ravelry, and I managed to finish a project. Now I have started another project, and the yarn has been discontinued. It’s Moda Vera Pure Wool 8 Ply in Lime Green (Rav link).

Can someone please tell me where the appropriate place to beg is?


And I’ll post the project details one day too…

Update! FOUND THE YARN. Only 6 balls (I think I need 8), but maybe the blankie will just be slightly smaller than I originally planned. Thanks for all the tips 🙂

Rainbow Boy


Today we had a 3rd birthday party, and a 1st. Two parties in one day. A recipe for chaos.

The day started well – see the outfit above.

And the first party was fun. A train theme, with a real train ride, Lebanese pizza, good friends, and happy kids.

Then the cake. And the kids were so excited. They were crowding around. Touching the cake. An adult slapped a child. A little slap. And though I haven’t read “The Slap“, I get it. I don’t quite know how to deal with the ramifications.

Mark had to go to work. We got a parking ticket. Inigo was horribly tired. And over sugared.

So by the time we arrived at the second party, I was at my limit for crap.

Inigo asked for more cake. I said no. He took some anyway. I reminded him of the no more cake edict. He lost his shit and headbutted an antique table. A bump the size of a large grape grew on his head, the screaming could be heard for miles, and I burst into tears and fled into the backyard. There is more (and of course the hot chocolate/airport incident), but you get the drift.

Many of the guests I had not seen in over a year, some not since the funeral, some longer.

How wonderful to make such a spectacular tit of yourself in such a public and irreversible way.

One year ago

I was told that both my babies were dead. Then that they were both alive. I’d been on bedrest for almost a week, and missing out on the wonderful change in the seasons. Maree made dinner. It was a memorable day.

Today, we went to a local park with friends, ate Lebanese pizza, and then cleaned up loads and loads of broken glass so the kids were safe. Then I sat in the sun and knitted while Inigo and Mark played hide and seek.

Inigo decided today that all of us would die, and then we would find Archie and Aubrey, and then we would all grow up again, and then we would all come home and live happily together.

I think he just invented Buddhism.

Crochet Day!

A few weeks ago, some fabulous people came over for a crochet day. Most of us learned something (except maybe Andrea – but she was a great teacher), and we all decided to do it again.


The chicks getting our crochet on.


The blokes getting their nerd on.

The event didn’t have a gender divide artificially enforced, but Adam had a work deadline, and Mark is weak when there are laptops around. And Inigo? Any excuse to get his hands on an iPod, an iPod, and iPhone…

So we all had a great time, and vowed to do it again, hopefully on a regular basis. How does Sat 20th suit?

Dear friends

Thank you for still being my friend. It’s been bloody hard, and I can’t always show you how much you mean to me, and I recognise that there isn’t much fun involved right now.

I just read this, by a woman who lost friends after her baby was stillborn, and I recognise how lucky I am that you are still there for me.

I mourn those that are not, but I rejoice in you more.

Dentist recap

Inigo has a cavity in his right back lower molar. We took him to a specialist dentist last week, and found out that the enamel on that tooth never formed properly during my pregnancy, so that is why it has rotted. He isn’t in pain, but left untreated it will get worse and cause infections, eventually damaging the tooth underneath (his adult tooth). So we have to do something about it. The specialist quoted us $1800 for the dental work, plus $1200 for a day stay in hospital, plus $600 for the anaesthetist. THe better part of $4,000.

So today we went to my normal dentist for a second opinion. I had my teeth cleaned, while Inigo watched patiently. Then she had a quick look at his teeth while he watched tele in the roof. Then, she did a quick x-ray to determine how bad the decay was.

And then she told me she could treat it in the chair, without a general anaesthetic!!!

Which she then did, all while Inigo watched ABC for Kids. There are serious advantages to rationing TV watching!

All the treatment for both of us cost less than $200, including x-rays. So we went out for sushi and bought some gorgeous wooden blocks, and still felt thrifty.