Merry Christmas

Thanks to the Anti Bogan for the image.

Last Christmas, I was full of codeine, and the pain, though intense, was somewhat numbed by the drugs. This year, there are no drugs, and front and center in my brain is the fact that my babies should be celebrating their first Christmas with us. Ripping paper, and getting more excited by the wrapping paper than the presents, and conking out halfway through the day like a pair of aged hooligans.

Yesterday, a friends dad died. It wasn’t unexpected, but this Christmas is going to be sad for lots of families. A day of expectations, that many people find it hard to meet. I find it hard to meet any, and finding the festive “joy to all” spirit is proving a challenge.

So this year, I am sending a special thought out to everyone who can’t be with their loved ones this year, and those who don’t have anyone to love. The homeless, the dispossessed, and the refugees. And especially the bereaved.

Our Christmas charity this year will be SIDS & Kids, without whom this year would have been so much harder. Everyone knows that they do research on SIDS, and that they provide safe sleeping information for families, but it isn’t well known that they also provide counseling for bereaved parents, and their families and friends. Although counseling hasn’t made the horror go away, it does help a lot to know that the crazy is normal. Archie and Aubrey’s brief lives and then their deaths have changed me irrevocably. Eventually, I’d like to be able to say that I am a better person from having known the loss, and if I get there, SIDS & Kids will have been a bog part of that.

I’ll leave you with a little video from yesterday, Santa leaving the Pearl Beach Progress Hall after the chaos of meeting the local kids.

Uni update

I got a letter from UAC today – they needed me to provide a certified copy of my marriage certificate, and certified copies of both my ABA qualifications.

Much to my astonishment, I managed to find all the documents I needed (with a bit of help from mum), get copies, get the copies certified, and get them in the post – all in one day.

I also had another chat with a UAC phone jockey, who said that main round offers are not until the 18th of January. I have the option of paying about $120 and getting my application turned into an ATAR like number (so that I can have a rational assessment of my chances of getting in to the course I want at the uni I want). Or I can wait.

It’s going to be a long wait.

First sleepover

Thanks to Richard and Miriam for looking after him so well, and to Oscar for being a good friend, and inviting him to play under the Christmas tree. 201112192139.jpg Two boys under a Christmas tree. And Two parents having a great time at a Christmas Party And some pretty fireworks!

On Saturday night, Inigo had his first sleepover with a friend. He’s had sleepovers with grandparents, but this was a leap of faith. Thanks to Richard and Miriam for looking after him so well, and to Oscar for being a good friend, and inviting him to play under the Christmas tree.

Two boys under a Christmas tree.


And Two parents having a great time at a Christmas Party

And some pretty fireworks!

Twinkle twinkle

Here is our $5 K-Mart tree, with a lot of bling, including two dragonflies for the two members of our family that wont be with us this year.

Squish is loving the lights, and the sparkles, and the advent envelopes every day. Today, we counted up the money he has put in his piggy bank over the year, and tomorrow we are going to the toy shop so he can choose his own toy, and buy it with his own money. Its a nod to a tradition from my maternal grandparents. They would save up small change all year, and before Christmas each year Nanna would take us in to the bank in Martin Place where dad worked. Dad would put the money through the counting machine, and then give my brother and I the money, that we would then spend on Christmas presents for family, and choose something for ourselves. We would have fish and chips in Hyde Park, and then lit a candle in St Marys Cathedral.

And I am starting to enjoy Inigo’s joy in everything Christmas.


Blog death

The blog keeps falling over, and unfortunately Mark can’t get to it to fix it through the firewall at his work, so it was down for rather a long time from Friday till late last night. I suppose that is an indication that life goes on even without the blog – but apologies anyway.

Yesterday Mark and I took Inigo to the movies for the first time. The candidates were “Puss in Boots”, which would have been our preference, and “Arthur Christmas”, which our darling boy had a strong preference for. At least it was an Aardman film, so it wasn’t a crass American extravaganza (no offence to the Septics, but the English do tend to have a touch more restraint).

He sat still through almost all of it, but sat on my lap eating popcorn for the last 20m or so, which I rather enjoyed. Apart from the whole adventure being way too expensive (around $70 including popcorn, water, and parking), it was gorgeous to see his excited little face, thrilled by the whole experience.

Final results

Got another HD for human judgement and decision making, so that is three HDs and a D this year, and 2 credits and one distinction for my earlier studies. All up, a GPA of 6.146.75. Hopefully, respectable enough to get into Macquarie, if I ever get around to applying!

Edited- corrected GPA after looking at the uni website!