Interview with a Nerd

Interview with the Nerdy Husband:

Lara: What is your favourite thing about my knitting?

Nerd: It makes you happy.

Lara: What is your least favourite thing about my knitting?

Nerd: Sometimes it takes you away from me.

Lara: What is something I have knitted, that you recall as good?

Nerd: The shawl that you knitted for my mother (Swallowtail).

Lara: Do you think knitters have an expensive hobby?

Nerd: Not excessively, no. There are plenty of more expensive hobbies.

Lara: You don’t spend much money on gaming, do you?

Nerd: Not since I cancelled my WoW subscription.

Lara: Do you have a gaming stash?

Nerd: Yes, a shelf full of gaming books.

Lara: Have I ever embarrassed you, knitting in public.

Nerd: No.

Lara: Do you know my favourite kind of yarn?

Nerd: No, it changes.

Lara: Can you name another blog?

Nerd: Yes I can. Web Goddess, Subversive Lesbian Knitter. Several.

Lara: Now, do you mind my wanting to stop at knit shops wherever we go?

Nerd: Mmmm. No.

Lara: Do you understand the importance of a swatch?

Nerd: (Laughs) Yes. From bitter experience. (He knits, but isn’t big on swatches, or patterns for that matter)

Lara: Do you read DiscoKnitter?

Nerd: Yes. What a silly question.

Lara: Have you ever left a comment?

Nerd: Yes. (in fact, he can comment without being moderated – it feels a bit intimate really!)

Lara: Do you the house would be cleaner if I didn’t knit?

Nerd: Only that there wouldn’t be a huge pile of yarn in the study, but you’d probably just collect something else!

Lara: Thank you for this insightful interview. Would you like to add anything in closure?

Nerd: Knitting is fun. Sometimes.


Idea stolen from several places – but I think IrishEyes was first!

Sleeping through

I got a little lie in this morning. Eventually, I thought I’d better get up and start the day – feed the baby, etc. He usually wakes up between 6.30am and 7.30am. Once he slept through until 9am and worried his mother quite a bit.

As I got up, I checked the clock, and thought it must have been out of battery. It said 9:55am.

I went to the bathroom and checked the clock in there. 9.55am.

I freaked! I was actually scared to open the door to Inigo’s room. I eventually summoned my nerve, and opened the door.

Which woke him up.

The kid slept from early evening until ten o’clock in the morning!

Dear Bendigo Woollen Mills…

Amethysts are a quite attractive colour. Pines are not grey. Scarlet is bright and vivid red. Electricity has no colour, but the name usually describes colours of a startling and clear intensity.

Crystal also has no colour. And if it did, it wouldn’t look like cat vomit.

Sugar Plums don’t look like diseased apricots.

You might just be on the money with “Blue Haze”. But I don’t really know, it’s been a long time since I’ve been in one…


Now that things with the child are somewhat more “normal”, you’d think I would have a bit more me time. But he has started solids, I seem to be spending a huge amount of time preparing food for the gaping hole that is his stomach. I would call it a black hole, except that output still equals input…

Stuff like this –

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goes in, and I won’t talk about what comes out.

Frozen steamed pear, kiwi fruit and rockmelon. It looked so pretty, I just had to take a picture.

He’s been showing great enthusiasm for new foods.

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This was an empty box – he’s not allowed fruit juice yet!

Last night he had cauliflower for the first time, and ate quite a bit of it, as well as brown lentils mixed with pumpkin, and zucchini and broccoli. So far, he’ll eat anything I give him, and he shows more enthusiasm for new things after he has had them a few times. Unless they are sweet, in which case he will eat until he explodes. The new nickname is Mr Creosote.

And yesterday, we found a tooth!

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Jane’s Brazilian Buddhist Retreat Lentil Soup

Before Mark and I got married, I had a kitchen tea. But since we’d already been cohabiting for a while (and I’d had my own kitchen for years), we had no need for “stuff”. Instead, I asked friends to cook their favourite vegetarian dish, and bring me the recipe. We ate the yummy food, and Miriam put the recipes into a big folder for me to keep.

It was a gorgeous day, and I wish I had photos to show you now.

What I do have for you now is a superb recipe. I didn’t get around to cooking this until a few weeks ago, and I went through a period of mourning the years that I lived without this soup.

Jane learned the recipe from the monks at a Buddhist retreat that she went to when she was living in Brazil. Just what you need after a hard days meditation.

It’s easy (super, amazingly easy) to cook, and has such a wallop of deliciously distinctive flavour that you won’t be able to stop at one bowl.

500gm Red Lentils
3.5 Litres Water (I use a little less)
1 Onion, roughly chopped
2 cloves of Garlic, roughly chopped

7 Tblspns Sesame Seeds
1 Tblspn Salt

Chuck first 4 ingredients in a pot. Simmer till lentils turn to mush. Blend with a bamix to make a smooth consistency.

Dry fry sesame seeds over a medium heat, stirring constantly to avoid burning. You want the seeds to change colour, but it doesn’t have to be a big colour change.

Grind sesame seeds and salt – to be proper authentic you’d do this in a big stone mortar and pestle, but my shoulder gave in and I did it in a food processor. It still tasted good.

Stir sesame mix into lentil goop.

Serve with a garnish of fresh chopped continental parsley if desired.

This recipe freezes well, and is thick and hearty enough for a meal on its own.