
Winter is coming. Kid won’t tolerate blankets when sleeping. Sleepsacks too small, too expensive to replace.


1. Fix sewing machine. Check (with caveat – still no working zig zag stitch…)

2. Visit Spotlight. Check

3. Trace existing sleepsack, embiggen.



4. Copy neckline from groovy new jammies.



5. Cut out basic pattern for Sleepsack V1.0



6. Search internets for bias tape destructions Check

7. Confirm status as “Legend in One’s Own Lunchbox”



13 thoughts on “Problem”

  1. That’s excellent! I love how you circumvented the zipper problem… i thought of making a sleep sack but decided not to because I couldn’t think “outside the box” and didn’t want to do the front zipper thing. Smart cookie!


    1. I have another plan to make the next one a bit longer, but work out a way to hoik it up for walkies…. Haven’t got it totally sussed yet.


  2. LOL just noticed one of the newspaper pieces has “think outside the box” as a headline. I wonder if that helped you.


    1. Oh – thanks for the link šŸ™‚

      And I think the reason they don’t do the “easy” suit in adult sizes, is that they are almost impossible to get on a bendy toddler, and most adults don’t bend nearly as much as your average little. I certainly wouldn’t want to have to get out of that in a hurry!


  3. I stumbled across your blog last night whilst doing one of those desperate 3am searches for information on toddler illnesses (was googling for hints on how to collect a clean urine specimen from a 2yo) and I just have to say that I think you’re so very clever with your handicrafts. Am feeling v inadequate!
    But thank you for sharing your experiences.


  4. Thanks Kirsty!

    I hope you got a clean urine sample – I feel like I have spent half my life waiting with a sterile container under a small penis!

    And trust me, I am not that clever, just a tightwad šŸ™‚


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