More proud mama talk

We’ve had some pretty rotten behaviour in the last two weeks, which I am putting down to a combination of stressed out mama and normal kid growing up stuff. On Tuesday, he threw an epic, epic tantrum. So huge that he has hysterical and almost vomiting when we got to the school gate. I prescribed a mental health day, and we spent the day together hanging out, and trying to de-stress.

And today, he was re-tested on his reading progress (which happens once a term). Today, he reached level 27, cluster 9 – which apparently puts him where he would be expected to be around the end of year three. Yup, he’s a reader 😉

Hopefully, this will mean that he will be able to pursue his own interests, which will make life a bit more interesting for him in the years to come. Hopefully, it will help him to enjoy school a bit more.

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