And some people are really thoughtful

Last week I read that the widow of the man who killed the Amish school girls was invited to one of the funerals. Of course, this is the side of humanity that I want to see. Generous, thoughtful, considerate, open hearted. Given that I am such a pillow at the moment, it made me cry.

And now this.

One thought on “And some people are really thoughtful”

  1. Thanks for the link. It’s funny; the area where I grew up in Indiana has nearly as many Amish as Pennsylvania. They were always just *there*, and most of the time they were sort of a vague annoyance. (Like when I was a checkout chick and had to carry out groceries to buggies.) But every now and then, I was reminded and astounded of their capacity to pull together as a community for the common good. Once I went to a blood drive in the middle of nowhere, and the place was absolutely packed with Amish. I commented to the nurse that I thought the “technology” of donating blood would have kept them away. “Oh no,” she said, “they believe it’s their duty to turn out for stuff like this, things that benefit everyone.” I wish more people were like that.

    And I hope you start feeling better soon. I’m sorry you’re having such a horrible time with your friend. I’m sure you meant well. We all can get a bit blusterous with our pet topics from time to time; it takes a strong person to admit their mistakes and I hope she forgives you.


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