23w 5d

Great hospital visit today :). Baby is head down, crp is back down to 12, doctor is happy for me to stay home for an extra week, and she is starting to sound a bit more positive and supportive :). Yay!

At this point I will probably go in to hospital on or around the 21st of October.

(sorry for the dodgy update, typing is difficult, so I am just copying and pasting from facebook etc). Oh, and CRP stands for C Reactive Protein. High numbers means a possible infection, 12 is good 🙂

6 thoughts on “23w 5d”

  1. Hi there 🙂
    Glad you had great appt, remember your CRP levels are allowed to be higher, as your pregnant, so although normal is 12 and below, yours could be 20 or below 🙂
    (boring info, I know, but just so you don’t panic if it’s a bit higher the next time..it could just be the pregnancy, and fingers crossed no infection!) Nicky


  2. yay for you Lara!
    By the way, you mentioned Knitting a “Percy” on my blog. My baby’s name is Percy, did you know that??? and which shawl are you kntting???


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