My brain is exploding, part two

Woke up feeling ok this morning. Not brilliant, but not so bad that I wanted to throw myself at Mark’s feet and beg him to stay home and protect me from my firstborn.

We went to playgroup, and everything went downhill from there. By the time I got home, I wanted to die, my head was throbbing, and the pain was awful. But I had to give Inigo his lunch, then get him to sleep. Since I am still breastfeeding him to sleep for his daytime nap, I thought it might be best to hold off the heavy duty opiates….

So then he didn’t sleep. It was agony trying to rock and sing him to sleep, tears streaming down my face. Eventually I gave up, took a large number of pills and took him to daycare (thank FSM for Lan, having such a fabulous carer so close to home has never been more appreciated). I drove him around for 10 minutes until 2pm (which is when I had arranged to drop him off), and almost collapsed on the footpath outside her home while I was saying goodbye to Squish. I could tell that she was concerned about me driving (I was too), so I went straight home and crawled into bed.

Three full hours after taking the pills, I can now sit upright and tolerate light. Tomorrow, he is going to daycare at 9am, so I just have to look after him from 7am till 9am. Wish me luck.

4 thoughts on “My brain is exploding, part two”

  1. Good luck, sometimes drugs are the answer, sometimes not. I ahve a rolly-onny little metal tube with peppermint and other oils in it that is good for ordinary headaches and I have been known to resort to Vicks!!!


    1. Thanks Lynne and Cindy!

      Cindy, I did buy some Mersyndol, and am planning on taking one at bedtime tonight 🙂 I remember taking it years ago and remember how it helped me to sleep even when in horrible pain. Thanks for the reminder!


  2. *hugs* You know Im not far away, right? If you need a hand, give me a call. You sound like you need rest and quiet..


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